NRA Announces Endorsements for Pennsylvania

U.S. Senate: Pat Toomey (R)

U.S. Represenatives by District:

District 6: Jim Gerlach (R)

District 8: Michael Fitzpatrick (R)

District 11: Paul Kanjorski (D)

District 12: No endorsement, both Republican Tim Burns and Democrat Mark Critz both are rated AQ (A based on questionnaire only)

District 15: Charlie Dent (R)

District 17: Tim Holden (D)

District 19: Todd Platts (R)

Still no endorsement on governor candidates.  Some casual observations – 2 out of 6 endorsements are for Democrats. The left often blanket labels the NRA as a right-wing Republican organization. But it is not.  They are a one issue organization.


Published in: on April 28, 2010 at 5:38 pm  Comments (2)  
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  1. There is no expectation that NRA would endorse for the gubernatorial candidates before the primary. These are only for races where there is a primary challenger.

  2. By the way, I posted all of the races where we’ve received questions about candidates on the “Candidates” page of PAGunRights when the grades were released last week. (Don’t ask me why Grassroots just got around to telling EVCs today, but they actually went live to the public at the beginning of last week. Communication fail.)

    I’m working on getting our state candidates added to the list even though NRA isn’t answering questions about those races. If there’s any chance you have the time or inclination to do a list for your district, then I’ll post them with ours.

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