Where were you this weekend? I was eating Pig @ Blue Trail Range

This past Sunday I was in Connecticut visiting friends and family.  We wanted to take my mom out for her birthday, thought it kind of got reversed. (I’ll have to remedy that.)

Anyways, we decided that we’d go to the Blue Trail Range Pig Roast Fundraiser* and help save the range. Heard about it via the ProArms podcast over at Gun Rights Radio There was a fair turnout, especially since the weather was over-cast gray and a tad bit cold.

UPDATE: Turns out we (my family and I) made it in the local area paper.


One thing of note that concerned me. (And I apologize if this offends anyone.)  But I was rather distraught by the general age of the attendees. Many being what I’d label as either elderly or Vietnam vet age. I do not say this as insult, I greatly respect both groups.  But the twenty and thirty year olds were in very low quantity in comparison.  This put a chill down my spine…

I’ve seen many churches with similar demographics, and many churches that are now condominiums because once those demographic groups pass; the church no longer has enough members to sustain it.

What about the shooting community? If the majority of the active shooting communtiy is 40,50, 60+.  Are we replacing the numbers with people in their 30’s, 20’s and younger?

If not, than we have serious problems. And our rights are gravely in danger, because if the members of our community shrink in the cominger twenty or so years. We will be ripe for the taking of our rights.

This only confirms to me, that we as active shooters need to evangelize our sport.  We need, as Tom Gresham says, use the “F” factor.  “FUN!!!” To introduce others to the sport.  And while our first and foremost reason for firearms is always “protection”.  There is nothing wrong with leveraging the sporting aspect


* For those unfamiliar with the Blue Trail Range situation. This is a fair size range in Connecticut which is under pressure from a potential developer. He’s been trying to get them shut-down.    But this is sadly not an uncommon problem today as suburbs grow into rural areas and ranges and sporting clubs which once were in the boondocks are now finding themselves in the midst of residential and commercial zones.


Published in: on October 6, 2008 at 9:56 pm  Comments (3)  
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  1. The age factor is something I noticed at GRPC. Aside from the Students for Concealed Carry, there were maybe only 5 people there my age or younger (29). Tony and I talked about this a little in our Roundtable. I think there are two factors. 1st is the obvious, that not enough new shooters are getting introduced. The 2nd MAY be that younger people, fresh out of college or with new families, just aren’t in a position in life where they feel they can devote the time, or their typing on their computers, visiting blogs instead… ;D Just teasing!

    That’s part of the reason I introduce as many new shooters as I can, though. This year I’ve taken 5 new people shooting, and I’m planning on 2 more next week. Part of it is learning HOW to introduce new shooters to make it fun. Hmm. I feel a podcast episode coming up!

  2. One thing I am trying to do is pass out LTCF/CC permit application forms to those who I think are responsible.

    Pennsylvania has really good laws when it comes to carry permits. (PA the way it should be!) Essentially all you need is to NOT be a criminal and BE a good citizen plus $25 filing fee. They’re good for 5 yrs. But between Governor Rendell and Obama I am afraid all that will change. So I’m encouraging people who are on the fence to get in their applications while they still can.

  3. […] to help raise money for their mounting legal bills, was a great success.  One of the gun bloggers managed to attend: One thing of note that concerned me. (And I apologize if this offends anyone.)  But I was rather […]

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